Master class achieving recognition for films in international film festivals
This masterclass, will be led by a top specialist in festival marketing, with focus on how to promote and achieve recognition for your film, both shorts and features in the international film festival circuit. We will discuss how to market your film, choose the best festivals, and understand that certain festivals prefer certain genre/styles of films. We will examine the costs involved with entering festivals and what is required, and how to maximise success to achieve recognition for directors, producers, writers and actors and how this can help achieve potential distribution and build your career.
We will also explore the power of social media in marketing, and the different ways of maximising it. We will show exerts from certain shorts that have achieved success in the international film festivals and discuss what makes them work and stand out from the other films.
Register now! We will notify you when we have scheduled the Masterclass and registration is open. Places are limited and fill very quickly, sign up to get priority booking.